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Steve Hogg Bike Fitting Team


Please email us to setup an appointment and include your mobile phone number so Steve can call you to discuss your needs.


Canberra - Pushys Plus, Collie St Fyshwick

Question for Steve?

Please use the Prime Q&A or post a Comment.


FUNCTIONAL SYMMETRY Part 2: Neurological Challenges and more

In this, the second installment of the Functional Symmetry series, Steve dives into the little known neurological challenges people face in their day to day lives and how he discovered how to fix lateral pelvic tilts simply and quickly. He also pulls the curtain back to show the origins of some of the methods he uses when doing his comprehensive bike fits. Once again, Steve's detailed writing brings a fascination to the art and science of bike fitting.
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What do you ride?

As I'm sure you've noticed, while Steve has been keeping up with answering questions and comments from Prime subscribers, his normal post output has slowed a bit. Steve is currently without his mechanic and training a bike fitter from the U.S., all during his busiest time of the year! However, while we wait, let's share pictures of our bikes!
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